Frequently Asked Question

About new YukonU-University Wireless
Last Updated 3 years ago

What do I need to get connected?

You need a laptop, phone, tablet, or device that is wireless-ready.

You can connect to the wireless network using any device equipped with any of the following.

  • 802.11A/B/G/N compatible wireless LAN cards.
  • 802.11x required for the use of the "Yukon-University" network.

How do I log in?

Log in with your YukonU credentials.

  • Students: access will be available 2 weeks before your registered courses start and will continue until 2 weeks after the course ends.
  • Faculty and staff: access is available to you during your employment at YukonU.

What if I don’t have YukonU credentials?

YukonU-Guest hotspot is available for guests visiting any YukonU Campus. Check Connecting to YukonU-Guest on any device for more help.

How do I Connect?

In general, there are two networks available, Yukon-University and YukonU-Guest. The method of connecting depends on the operating system you’re using. Please refer to the links below this article for detailed instructions on your specific device. 

Where is new wireless access available?

Check the current and future list of wireless locations on YukonU's campuses for details.

What can I access through the wireless network?

Staff access on YukonU devices

Student access

Guest devices




Internal Servers (Banner and Departmental Drives)

Printing services

Login Changes

When your usual YukonU credentials (either your login or password) change for any reason, your previous connection to Yukon-University will stop working. You will need to “forget” this network first, before reconnecting with your new credentials.

More information about wireless at YukonU

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