Frequently Asked Question

Connecting to Yukon-University Wireless Network with iOS devices
Last Updated 3 years ago

These are instructions for setting up your iOS device (iPod, iPad, and iPhone) to connect to the Yukon-University wireless network.

Note: The screenshots are taken from iOS 15 and menu locations may differ from previous and future versions of iOS.

These instructions are provided as-is; IT Services is not able to support troubleshooting of personal devices.

Configuring your device’s settings:

1. Select the settings icon on your iPad, iPod or iPhone.


2. Select the Wi-Fi menu option.

3. Select Yukon-University from the list of wireless networks.


4. Enter your usual YukonU credentials, then click Join.


5. Select Trust on the certificate window.


6. Your device will now be configured to automatically connect to the Yukon-University wireless network while at Yukon-University.


More information about wireless at YukonU

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